5% Nutrition Knocked The F*ck Out


No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, you won’t grow if you don’t recover. Recovery is one of the keys to muscle growth and one of the keys to recovery is deep, restful sleep. If you consistently fail to get a good night’s sleep, you’ll experience the destructive effects of catabolic hormones such as cortisol. What are these negative effects? Two examples include muscle loss and possible fat gain. Knocked The F*ck Out by 5% Nutrition is the ultimate natural sleep aid! This product combines herbs, amino acids, and natural ingredients to create a formula that will help you relax and fall into a deep, restful sleep. We’re talking about a combination of ingredients like GABA, Melatonin, Chamomile, 5-HTP, and Tryptophan. So get some serious sleep and keep those gains coming!

SKU: 5% Nutrition Knocked The F*ck Out